Philosophy of the Bible Series- Model of Impacting the World (2 of 11) 2/24/03



Philosophy of the Bible Series

(2 of 11)


  • Justice and Righteousness
  • Ideas, Ideals, and Values of the Bible
  • How have we impacted the world?
  • Rabbi Labaton’s 3-fold model of impacting the world: 1) Hypothetical Model, 2) Concentric Circle Theory of Impact, 3) R.A.K- Random Acts of Kindness.
  • To understand an idea in the Bible: 1) Understand its historical context, 2) Understand its broader literary context, 3) Understand the idea as an idea.
  • Lessons of Leadership in the Bible: 1) Continuity of leadership, 2) Strong, Powerful, and Courageous, 3) Remembering one is still a servant of G-d.



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